Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > ROHM Datasheet > ROHM-38

JKA DTC114WE BA8270F SIR-568ST3F LB-302DF EMX4 BA6893AK DTA115TH BA4558F BA6284N DTC115EE BU2114 BA6810F DTC144WUA BA6798S BU9910KV 2SD1766 SLR-325YY BA17824FP SLR-332DU DTC123JSA BU4011BFV BA3904A BA1450S 2SD2114S BA5970FP LB-403MF1 KF2002-GH10A

ROHM datablad Catalog-38

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BR9040 ROHM4kbit EEPROM for direct connection to serial ports
BU8874 ROHMDTMF receiver for telephones
DTA123JKA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
DTC114WE ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
BA8270F ROHMBus interface for car audio
SIR-568ST3F ROHMInfrared light emitting diode, top view type
LB-302DF ROHMHigh efficiency, two-digit numeric display
EMX4 ROHMDual NPN transistor, high-frequency
BA6893AK ROHM4-channel driver and power controller
DTA115TH ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistor)
BA4558F ROHMDual operational amplifier
BA6284N ROHMReversible motor driver
DTC115EE ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
BU2114 ROHM8-bit shift register and latch driver
BA6810F ROHMFluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point x 2-channel, VU scale, bar display
DTC144WUA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
BA6798S ROHM4-channel BTL driver for CD player
BU9910KV ROHMStatus display LCD driver for PC with I2C bus interface
2SD1766 ROHMNPN silicon medium power transistor
SLR-325YY ROHMReflecting small directly mountable LED (diffused yellow)
BA17824FP ROHM24V regulator
SLR-332DU ROHMReflecting small wide viewing angle and directly mountable LED (diffused orange)
DTC123JSA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
BU4011BFV ROHMQuad 2-input NAND gate
BA3904A ROHMstandard voltage power supply
BA1450S ROHMAM radio / FM IF stereo system IC
2SD2114S ROHM20V,0.5A high-current gain medium power transistor
BA5970FP ROHM4-channel BTL driver for CD player and CD-ROM
LB-403MF1 ROHMHigh efficiency, three-digit numeric display
KF2002-GH10A ROHMCompact low speed thick film thermal printhead (8 dot/mm)

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